The Greek referendum brought a “No” and the world has not ended, so what is next?
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
Reflections on current market action and perspectives on short term price action.
The Greek referendum brought a “No” and the world has not ended, so what is next?
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
Markets approached all time highs and have fallen short. The lack of a deal in Greece regarding its IMF payment, US Fed policy weighing in, and the notion that June is usually a slow month have traders in a holding pattern. With most asset classes having subdued performances up or down, being prepared for the next move may make or break the year for a lot of investors.
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
Markets are at or near all time highs. Traders and investors looking to hedge or take profits. The usual headlines would lead you to believe that something dramatic should happen.
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
With a full week of trading, wavering and waging on when the US Federal Reserve Board might raise rates, equity markets seemed to have regained some momentum.
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
The disappointing US labor report last Friday left a lot to ponder over the weekend. With the majority of market players on holiday, how and when will the market digest this data point?
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
The end of the first quarter of 2015 is upon us and while the world seems have changed over a few times over, markets have kept up their trends. The question is how do you react to more of the same when you feel like something should be different?
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
The latest US job report put some urgency in the hearts of traders afraid of looming rises in US interest rates. The days of extremely cheap capital being over will force many market participants to revisit their risk/reward profiles. What will the equity markets look like through a different color lens?
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
With the equity markets at all time highs and central bankers poised to keep the flow of “cheap” money going, the questions most people are asking are 1) When is the drop going to happen? or 2) If the drop happens when is it safe to buy? There are no easy answers nor are there any “correct” ones. The only answers are logical ones.
Charts Courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
Now that the year has started to take shape it is time to put money to work or to at least put work into protecting money if staying on the sidelines is the appropriate choice for you.
With the end of January behind us, it is time to look forward to the next few months of trading. One of the consistently looming questions is about volatility in the markets. Remember, historically January is not the most volatile month. However, there is some merit to looking at monthly historical cycles.