Priceline Earnings – February 20, 2014

Have you had a tough time in the market recently?  Maybe you should call in the priceline negotiator.  Looking at the past year,  spokesperson William Shatner has done a great job.  Let’s see if the stock will have a bigger discount than a hotel room booked through the site.

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Google Earnings – January 30, 2014

When a company’s name becomes a verb it’s usually a good thing.  When you put a bunch of computer nerds together, you get ideas that are as crazy as the stock price of the company.  Is Google still the most prominent internet presence?  Or has the recent wave of acquisitions and futuristic projects become a distraction from advertising revenue?

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Amazon Earnings – January 30, 2014

Did you do the bulk of your holiday shopping using Amazon Prime?  Are you so entrenched in the Amazon ecosystem that you have to be long the stock?  Or are you ready to fly away like one of the prototype drones Amazon would like to use for delivery?   Either way, let’s take a look at the game of trading Amazon earnings.

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Apple Earnings – January 27, 2014

Are you using an Apple device to view this site?  Are you helping the apple cause or using a competitor’s device?  You could hedge your upcoming earnings trade by being long and using an Android device.  You could be short while using your iPad Air.  At the very least you should be armed with these stats:

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Netflix Earnings on January 22, 2014

Netflix earnings reports are usually pretty exciting.  It’s just like binge watching a season and the episodes leading up to the season finale are all nerve wracking.  Then the season finale sends shock waves through your couch and you realize why so many people have been hooked on the show.  Is Netflix one of the “Walking Dead”?

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IBM Earnings out on January 21, 2014

Big Blue aka IBM reports their quarterly earnings report today.  The 5 past weeks have ended in gains.  IBM looks like it is poised to break the downward trend it has been on since the beginning of June of 2013 .  A quick glance at the chart and the $195 price level may draw your attention as a possible resistance level.  Perhaps $182.80 seems like a support level.  In either case if either of those levels are reached there will be some opportunities to trade with some momentum.

Without further delay here are some earnings related thoughts to go with the above.  Assuming IBM is at $190:

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Q4 Earnings for JPM release on Jan 14, 2014

The first major bank stock JP Morgan Chase (JPM) reports their fourth quarter earnings tomorrow.  This should be interesting because we are near some all time highs for the equity market (notwithstanding today’s sell off).  So where do things go from here?  There are a few trains of thought.  Are valuations of individual names too high for the upcoming earnings reports?  Are the earnings strong enough to sustain these prices or increase them?  Will the earnings show some weakness compared to the general economy and everyone runs for the exit door?

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